Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indy 500

My choir, the ICC had to sing for the Indy 500 Parade today. It was awful! First, we have to be at Butler U by 7:00 A.M. I had to wake up at 5! Julienne from Dancing with the stars sang. Marlee, Drew, Sabrina, and some guy who looked like Helio but wasn't were there too. Julienne isn't a very good singer, and I wish she would've danced instead. Then the other Dancing people were being annoting. They didn't listen to us. They just took pictures of one another and mocked Mr. Leck (the ICC director.) Uggggghhhh! It was awful!


Bradjward said...

Hope you enjoyed your visit to Butler University!

Mimirae said...

Hi There! Sorry that you did not enjoy singing at the Indy 500. I would have thought it to be very exciting. We have Julianne's new album and she really isn't bad but sort of ordinary country sounding. I think most people try to oversing the national anthem. One of my pet peeves! Just sing it well, hit the right notes at the right time for Pete's sake!! Oh and the new hairdo!