- People cracking their knuckles
- People hovering over me
- People sitting up straight and tall in class, politely flinging their hands around for the answer and ALWAYS getting it right.
- People who hate you for no reason
- Parents who don't know how to keep their kids under control
- Going to school
- Teachers who pick favorites and despise the other students
- People who don't know when to shut up
- People who don't know when to start talking
- Braggers
- Akward silences
- People who are really good at something and make sure you know
- People who are really bad at something, but think they're really good
- People who lie about how humble they are.
- People who try to convince you that their ideas and beliefs are the only ideas and beliefs
- People who are too tight with the rules and never try to have fun
- Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus CAN"T SHE JUST BE ONE ANNOYING PERSON!!!
- Unrealistic reality. Hint hint ------ reality T.V.
- People with awful teeth
- Big, huge dogs
I could rant and rave for hours, but I'll stop there for now. :p
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